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o b j e c t s unseen .

Objects have meaning. What once was purchased new now holds placement, value, and memory. These objects may seem ordinary and worthless to some, yet I am reminded each day that even the most simple objects are not as they seem to be. I am interested in the UNSEEN value in which these objects possess. This image was taken before the inevitable misfortune that all things must come to an end. A car freshener that once breathed cleanliness into the air, a tassel that once represented a tremendous accomplishment, and a steering wheel cover that once guided the path to glory .. gone. A crash of incoherence buried these objects with the car as the grave that was once these object's safe home. A home that no longer can be returned to. So as each rests in peace, I remember the placement that was certain, the value that was underestimated, and the memory that was held before each object became just that; a memory.

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